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About TidGi Desktop
TidGi is a cross-platform Note Taking & GTD & Fragment Knowledge Management desktop app powered by nodejs-TiddlyWiki, it ship with a lot of tiddlywiki plugins from the TiddlyWiki community.
You can call it TG-Note, it is totally free and you own all your data. Code by the people, build for the people.
It used to named TiddlyGit, means TiddlyWiki with easy Git backup, short for TidGi now.
Windows version
64-bit auto-install.exe (recommended for easy updates)
64-bit can-choose-directory.msi (can pick installation directory, on each update you have to manually re-elected directory which might be forgotten, and uninstallation deletes all the files in the folder, so be careful!)
Other installers
64bitArm auto-install.exe 64-bit Arm can-choose-directory
32-bit auto-install.exe 32-bit can-choose-directory
MacOS version
for Intel (x64) chips.zip for new M1 / M2 chips.zip
After extracting the downloaded zip, remember to drag it into the "Applications" folder before using it.
For mac users, you have to manually trust this app, click here to expand details. To fix "This app is broken, you should move it to trash"โ
Since I haven't buy Apple developer key yet, so you have to entrust App to open it. "This app is broken" is a lie, Apple use its monopoly position to force me pay 99$, but I don't want to pay for it, so it lies "This app is broken".
For intel user, first of all, you need to drag this App into Applications folder! Otherwise there will be an error.
Click "Cancel" โ
Click "Open" โ
Click "OK" โ
For M1 M2 users, Another way to go about allowing the installation
1. Open "Terminal.app" and enter the command: sudo spctl --master-disable
2. Open the system Settings -> Security -> Allow applications downloaded from any source in the following location
3. Move the installation package to "Applications". 4.
4. Enter the command: sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/TidGi.app
and enter your computer's password as required by Apple.
5. Re-click on TidGi.app to open it.
Mac command line user
brew install TidGi # Not tested
Linux version
yay tidgi
Download Mobile App
Github Release (Verified by Github)
Direct download link
Thanks for VerseTensor Inc. for donation of the server. Please try use "Github Release" link above in advance.
Click to download from website server
See TidGi-Mobile Source and Resources for more.
TidGi Feature Handbook
TidGi has built-in features such as localized AI, Git backup synchronization, etc. This handbook describes how to configure them.
You may also want to Trouble Shooting
Plugins Handbook
The design goal of TidGi is to work out of the box, but this also means that TidGi includes a large number of plugins from the TidGi community. In this handbook, you can find usage of some plugins that pre-installed in TidGi.
Mobile App
- TidGi-Mobile is the official pair with TidGi-Desktop, developed by @linonetwo. It can even be used for huge wikis of 100MB or more, so you can use it from small to large, from young to old.
- See Tiddloid for Android App developed by @donmor. Good for smaller wiki, and you can have access to your HTML wiki.
You can switch between them, and sync data between them and TidGi at any time. All of them are local-first, open-sourced and compatible with TiddlyWiki ecosystem.
Related Posts About TidGi
No English posts yet...Please help sharing!
Differences from other App
Differences from TiddlyDesktop?
- NodeJS version of TiddlyWiki have seamless auto-save experience, which is taking the advantage of SyncAdaptor instead of Saver, TG have better support for NodeJS wiki.
- Using NodeJS wiki, We can have separated tiddler files, which can be modified by hand, or by other programs (e.g. VSCode with VSCode-TW5-Syntax)
- Though TiddlyDesktop can also load wiki folder generated by nodejs-TiddlyWiki, TG can backup that folder to the Github easily.
- With the Electron technology, we can use
and many other nodejs things within TiddlyWiki, which greatly extend the hackability, which is the reason why I choose TiddlyWiki as my daily KM tool.
Why Github as storage
Because Github is one of the best free civil level BaaS:
- Its storage is basically free, allow us to store unlimited images and PDF files, which can have permanent URIs for public download.
- It has GraphQL API that allow us programmatically update our wiki
- It has free CI to automatically deploy our TiddlyWiki blog.
- It provides unlimited repository, public and private, which enables us to store private content into our TiddlyWiki.
Data and Privacy Protection
Privacy: How it stores and uses data
We do not send any information from your phone to the internet.
You can optionally syncing data from your phone to a local TidGi-Desktop app on your local WiFi.
How it stores data locally on your phone
This is a local-first app, it stores data in following format, and never leaving your local WiFi network:
- HTML, contains some of core tw things like
and raw HTML created by [$:/tags/RawMarkup](https://tiddlywiki.com/#SystemTag%3A%20%24%3A%2Ftags%2FRawMarkup)- To update the TiddlyWiki version or the raw markup, you need to perform a full-resync (delete and recreate)
- SQLite, When adding wiki, we fetch all skinny-tiddlers of your tid/md file, then store them in SQLite DB to speed up booting and save memory.
- JSON, When adding wiki, we fetch all plugins's full content as JSON, this will not be updated
- Files, binary files like images are stored as files on your phone.
Later, we use a Sync-Adaptor to only load the file you need lazily, to increase performance on a huge wiki. Also, reduce the memory and CPU consumption of your phone.
The desktop app shell is based on atomery/singlebox and atomery/webcatalog, they provide lots of utils around website-generated-app, much powerful than generating app from website simply using Chrome. Also the independent developer @quanglam2807 behind these great tools helps me a lot when I develop TidGi.
Current Icon is download from iconsdb under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 , if you are a designer, please feel free to contribute your ICON if you have a better idea.
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TidGi Default Template Plugin Feature Handbook
TidGi comes with a few plugins by default to get a Notion-like experience out of the box.